Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Gay Marriage

Antidisestablishmentarianism is a vice to anything unorthodox, and the United States seems to be losing its grasp on liberty and justice in light of recent antigay movements from religious fanatics and liberty-suppressors – cancers to this great nation. Perhaps, the world should just submit to fundamentalism and religious leaders preaching and influencing the political structure of this country. The beauty of diversity has not aged or tarnished, but is certainly being suppressed by religious groups that impose their beliefs on others via political force.

The United States was founded on Christianity and the belief that God exists and is an interactive member in our daily lives, but Christianity -- although my religion -- is not the religion of all living in the United States, and as such should not be imposed on any individual, and especially not the federal government.

The concept that marriage is soley between a man and a woman derives from religious beliefs, which should not affect or potentialy harm those that are not founded on those ideological structures -- not in this country. The grasp religion has on America is tight and firm, strangling the liberty our founding fathers fought and lost their lives for, so that we could live in an equal community where we can be what we want and live however we choose. Any other way in anti-American.

The homosexual community -- which I say again, I am a part of -- is strong and my lifestyle is just as legitimate as a heterosexual couples. I feel the same and I love the same.

Recently, many states assembled together to determine my fate as a homosexual man, determining whether I can or cannot marry the person of whom I choose to -- under my God and in my church.

Here’s my force.

I am a Christian, and a proud homosexual man living with my partner. In my religion, I am taught to respect the differences of others unconditionally. I do not have to accept their opinions, beliefs, or lifestyles – but being born and raised in this country with open eyes and a heart beating for liberty and justice I would never condemn, persecute, or restrict any civil human being’s rights.

The US government is supposed to be free of religion and unbiased for all. Who is anyone to tell me and my partner that our love is not good enough for marriage, and that marriage is granted only to a man and a woman? Interestingly enough, in spite of the fact I have been with my partner for two years I can’t get married to him, but I can meet a woman today and marry her tomorrow without even knowing her name.

Civil unions which, are currently accepted in few states, do not offer same-sex couples much. In fact, in total, 32 states in 1996 passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal benefits to homosexual couples that live lifetyles identical to heterosexual couples. Moreover, same-sex couples are not allowed to claim the other as a dependent at the end of the year taxes, or to defend their beloved in cases of immigration. These are rights that should be extended to homosexual couples, as we are just like everyone else, but we are not recognized on a federal level, and do not attain the same rights as given to heterosexual couples. Does a homosexual couple not wake in the morning the morning and have coffee before work, just like anyone else? Do we not pay taxes? Do we not love?

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